Swimming Makes You Smarter, Scientists Say
A study by Griffith University showed that early swimmers are smarter than non-swimmers.
Top 5 Ways to Get Rid of Water in Your Ears after Swimming
Don’t let a simple problem such as clogged ears, turn into a serious one like an ear infection.
5 Easy Ways to Unplug Your Kids from Technology
Technology can be a great source of fun, but excessive usage can be physically and mentally harmful.
3 Simple Ways to Know If Your Child is Ready for Swimming Classes
Practical advice for parents of babies, toddlers or children.
Say Goodbye To A Crooked Backstroke In 3 Easy Steps
Time to stop zigzagging across the pool.
Foggy Goggles? Here are 5 Tried and Tested Solutions
We’ll see you at the pool with your fog-free goggles!